Nuke scripts

Publishing and versioning a script

Scripts can be published and versioned up directly from the File menu in Nuke. Follow these steps to version control a script:

  1. Save it with _v# in the filename. Example: scriptname_v1.nk.
  2. Select Publish script… from the File menu and select a task you want to associate this script with.

When you want to version up, select Publish script to a new version to increment the name of the script and publish it to ftrack.


To publish nuke scripts, you currently must have an asset type with code comp. An error with the message Asset type not valid will appear otherwise. You can configure asset types from System settings in ftrack.

Opening a published script

Nuke scripts that are published to ftrack can be opened directly from the File menu.

  1. Select Open published script…
  2. Browse to a shot and select a script to open it. Nuke scripts exported from HIERO can be opened from this menu to quickly start working.